Percy’s Plane has a Hiccup!Percy The Flying Chicken now has his own page! You can go to it by clicking on the picture of Percy having mechanical difficulties with his plane. What do you think of the new strip? Does it merit its own page yet, after only two short strips? We’ll see I guess. In any case you can support Percy The Flying Chicken and ICECUBES by clicking on the ads!
Percy The Flying Chicken by PeckinpawSo he did it. Peckinpaw really did it. He finally created his own comic strip called Percy The Flying Chicken. What do you guys think? Do you think Peckinpaw has a future as a cartoonist? Leave him a comment. (Psst, he really needs to be encouraged, he is very shy!) Stay tuned and perhaps Peckinpaw will surprise us with even more comics. Please click on the ads.
Every click counts!
Master Man Comicbook Cover
Can anyone please tell me what Master Man is doing here? I just… It seems he is on some sort of super unstable looking skis and is tossing a mine???? But I still don’t get it. Wow, comics were sure weird back in 1940. I guess they still are nowadays, just more violent and bloody. So much for the comics code, right? Well at least ICECUBES is pretty tame, as long as Freeze doesn’t get carried away. I am working on the website redesign and fixing all the bugs. One thing I noticed is that the feed doesn’t seem to be working. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime you can support the new redesign by clicking on the ads (it really helps!)
Tarzan Tip Top Comics Cover
Designing a new website is a struggle. I feel like Tarzan in this Tip Top Comics cover, fighting with the giant crocodile. I hope you will really enjoy the new layout and especially how good it will look on your smart phones!
We’ve instituted a new Subscriber Members Only Space! For only $1 a month you get all the great classic ICECUBES strips and behind the scenes blog posts, including special bonus prizes and early notifications of contests, plus so much more. I am hoping this space will become a real fun area where we can share what we love about ICECUBES! You can try for free for one week just by clicking here:
The best way to support the comic is to simply click on the ads that appear on the website. It is free and it totally supports ICECUBES. So, thanks for being great fans and look out for some big changes around here. 🙂
One thought on “ICECUBES the comic strip #359”
Leroy Brown
Ok guys, I am finally working on a new strip. Thanks for being patient!