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ICECUBES the comic strip #359

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One thought on “ICECUBES the comic strip #359

  1. Ok guys, I am finally working on a new strip. Thanks for being patient!

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Joe Pipo Contest!

Hi cool ICECUBES friends! As you know I have been working secretly on my new comic project called Joe Pipo (check out the Facebook page here.) Joe Pipo Cover Well, I finished the ashcan pitch that I am sending out to prospective publishers. Keep your fingers crossed! Joe Pipo is a great comic adventure that takes place in a retro futuristic 1980s New York City! To celebrate I will be giving away 5 copies of the ultra rare Joe Pipo ashcan! Here’s how to enter:
  • 2/ Share the page on your timeline (under the ‘More’ tab)
  • 3/ Joe Pipo was originally featured in a New York underground newspaper. Which one? Message me the answer on Facebook (please do not post it in the comments!)
Ok, that’s it. Please follow the rules! Keep your eyes out for another ICECUBES contest coming next week! Thanks for being such cool fans! 😀

Drawing Joe Pipo.

ICECUBES drawing table / Joe Pipo Hi folks, lately I’ve been concentrating on my graphic novel called “The Adventures of Joe Pipo in New York.” It’s a completely different format from ICECUBES and the drawing style is a lot more detail oriented. I enjoy the challenge but it takes time! I am hoping to submit the project to publishers real soon, keep your fingers crossed. You can like & follow Joe Pipo on Facebook here: –> https://www.facebook.com/joepipocomic/

Thanks for following ICECUBES!

ICECUBES has 1800+ friends on Facebook, 483 likes & 1380 Twitter followers! Let’s make it 2000! 😀 icecubes-facebook I just want to say a big thanks to all of you for following ICECUBES on Facebook and Twitter! Please visit often to get all the latest updates and be sure to like and follow and share! facebook-pix

Joe Pipo

The Adventures Of Joe Pipo Hey ICECUBES readers! Long time no new strips I KNOW!! So sorry. It’s been a long summer and I truly needed some time to spend with my family and also work on other projects. The main project is ‘The Adventures Of Joe Pipo’ a graphic novel idea that I have had for a long time. I will be pitching it to publishers in the next few weeks with the hopes of getting the first book out within months. Making ‘Joe Pipo’ is fun but a lot of hard work too since the writing and art style are very different from ICECUBES. I will update you as I go along in this quest to finally make this book happen. Thanks for being fans of my work and keep your eyes out for an ICECUBES surprise soon too! 🙂 Leroy Brown