So after dreaming for years about making a real ink and paper book of ICECUBES the comic strip and finally being just about ready to pull the trigger, guess what happens? Border’s goes bust and closes all its stores, the book business crashes, printers stop printing books, paper mills close and stop making paper and generally speaking people stop reading books! What a time to put out a book.
But I remain optimistic that there is an audience out there that would like to hold the real thing in their hands, share it with their friends and enjoy having it on their bookshelves as a nice well crafted collectors item.
That’s why even though printing a book has become ever harder and expensive, in complete contradiction to the laws of supply and demand by the way, I’m still hard at work on the first ICECUBES book. Of course those of you who follow ICECUBES know that Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 are available exclusively on the Kindle.
So stay tuned and get ready to pre-order your limited edition, real ink and paper, signed and numbered collector’s edition of ICECUBES the Book!
Leroy Brown
3 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #318”
Leroy Brown
Freeze is having a quack attack!
Luc Delahoussaye
you better get that exorcist quick
Leroy Brown
uh oh!