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ICECUBES the comic strip #318

3 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #318

  1. Freeze is having a quack attack!

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Busy behind the scenes!

ICECUBES comic zines and more Hello ICECUBES friends! Here are some of the things ICECUBES has been involved in ‘offline’ recently. In September I participated in the ComiCulture symposium at the University of Houston Clear Lake along with artists like James O’Barr (The Crow). October was time for the Houston Zine Fest. I even published a special ‘zine’ for the occasion: Atomik Comix.This contains never before published underground stuff I’ve done over the years put together for this little zine as a prologue to a full blown Atomik Comix book I am secretly working on… More to come. All this while going to conventions to promote the book and continuing to publish the comics page for my local news paper with contributions from Zombie Boy, Urban Jungle, Spudcomics, The Amaizing Jim Corn and PicPak! *phew!* 🙂 Leroy Brown

Zine Fest Houston 2013!

ICECUBES will be at Zine Fest Houston tomorrow Saturday, Oct. 12 from 3pm to 8pm. Come by and say hi, get your book signed and visit some of the other great indie publications on display! I’ll also have original art for sale.

ICECUBES featured at University of Houston Comiculture symposium!

Comiculture Icecubes Hey folks, ICECUBES is going to be part of a ‘cool’ comics symposium at the University of Houston – Clear Lake tomorrow September 21. If you are in the area it should be a great event to attend. There will be talks about comic art and writing as well as an art show and movie screening. Check out the flyer and mark the date. Comiculture Icecubes You can get more info here: www.comiculture.org Special thanks to Terry Wagner of Mental Diversions and Jeffrey Bowen, Art Gallery director at UHCL.