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ICECUBES the comic strip #314

6 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #314

  1. Hello i always wondered why is Eggman never a consistent color?

  2. Yes, he is quite magical that way. I think it has to do with his moods. 🙂

  3. Then what’s blue for?

    1. Maybe he’s concerned about Freeze or maybe it’s just the reflection of the ice in the late afternoon. 😉

  4. Also what is so special about icecubes vol1 collectors edition?

    1. Thank you for the great question! You helped me realize that the information was not updated on the new bookstore site. The Collector’s Edition of ICECUBES Vol.1 was part of the Kickstarter rewards. It is a hand stamped numbered copy of the book. There were 300 copies of the first printing. 200 of those were hand-stamped from 01 to 200. They are numbered and signed copies for collectors who had pledged on Kickstarter. The first printing of Vol.1 is almost all sold out. There are barely 10 copies left, most of them numbered collector’s copies. Handstamped Collcetor's Edition ICECUBES vol. 1

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From Scraps To Scripts.

Writing a comic strip is fun and it can also be challenging. Coming up with new stuff on a constant basis is sometimes tougher than you might think. Charles Shulz said that it was difficult to explain to people that staring out the window in a daze was when he did his hardest work. He also said he had to use every idea that popped into his mind, because of the overwhelming demand of a daily strip. Ideas occur at any time and rarely are they fully fledged so it’s a good habit to write them down right away. Of course that can happen anywhere and sometimes you don’t have your laptop or even a notepad handy! Here’s proof that I’ll write on anything just to make sure I don’t forget that idea- even if it’s not a great one! 😉 Sribbled ideas on a bag. Here’s the finished strip: ICECUBES the comic strip #0101

Working on it!

© ICECUBES I really do have to apologize for not posting new comic strips more regularly. 🙁 I could list a ton of reasons why it’s just not possible yet, but as a reader you-just-want-more-comics; and rightfully so! Even though it may seem like things are slowing down, in fact we are just getting started! ICECUBES is going to be in a real book! And you are going to be a big part of it. I am going to launch a Kickstarter project to get the first ICECUBES book printed and published and I’ll need your help. By participating and pledging you can make the book come to life! So keep an eye out for ICECUBES The Book on Kickstarter! In other awesomely great news, ICECUBES has sold over 65 copies of Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 on the Kindle! That’s amazing!! I am so grateful to all my readers and especially to all those who get the Kindle books. Watch for Vol. 3 coming out soon too! I’m also working on getting the books formatted for every other e-book reader like Kobo et al… So stay tuned, there is a lot more coming up. Your patience shall be rewarded! 🙂 Leroy Brown