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ICECUBES the comic strip #314

6 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #314

  1. Hello i always wondered why is Eggman never a consistent color?

  2. Yes, he is quite magical that way. I think it has to do with his moods. 🙂

  3. Then what’s blue for?

    1. Maybe he’s concerned about Freeze or maybe it’s just the reflection of the ice in the late afternoon. 😉

  4. Also what is so special about icecubes vol1 collectors edition?

    1. Thank you for the great question! You helped me realize that the information was not updated on the new bookstore site. The Collector’s Edition of ICECUBES Vol.1 was part of the Kickstarter rewards. It is a hand stamped numbered copy of the book. There were 300 copies of the first printing. 200 of those were hand-stamped from 01 to 200. They are numbered and signed copies for collectors who had pledged on Kickstarter. The first printing of Vol.1 is almost all sold out. There are barely 10 copies left, most of them numbered collector’s copies. Handstamped Collcetor's Edition ICECUBES vol. 1

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Inazuma 11!

Leo did this great drawing of his new favorite cartoon Inazuma 11. It’s not out in the US yet, but it looks pretty cool. I always thought a cartoon about a soccer team would be a great idea!©ICECUBES
So everybody pick up your pens and pencils and send us some fan art! Just email it to icecubescomic(at)yahoo.com. 🙂


Eggman is the perfect character to show off the ‘blobs’ drawing technique. I find that the best way to give the characters more of a real feeling is to think of them as being made of blobs. By drawing big round blobs I can work out their positions and get a sense of their place in space. It also helps to give them some weight so they don’t look like they are two dimensional or floating in the panel. Here’s a great example of drawing blobs. Drawing blobs.

King of the Hill.

My favorite cartoon is by far King of the Hill. I just love the understated tone and the rhythm of the stories. It’s not full of slap dash one liners, sex jokes or poop humor. It’s hard to write like that and I think Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created a good cartoon. Dauterive.
One of Bill Dauterive’s relatives.

Everybody knows Hank Hill’s self loathing neighbor Bill Dauterive. The inside joke is that one of the original writers and executive producer’s name is Jim Dauterive. Here’s picture proof that there’s another Dauterive out there too! 🙂