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ICECUBES the comic strip #314

6 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #314

  1. Hello i always wondered why is Eggman never a consistent color?

  2. Yes, he is quite magical that way. I think it has to do with his moods. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Then what’s blue for?

    1. Maybe he’s concerned about Freeze or maybe it’s just the reflection of the ice in the late afternoon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Also what is so special about icecubes vol1 collectors edition?

    1. Thank you for the great question! You helped me realize that the information was not updated on the new bookstore site. The Collector’s Edition of ICECUBES Vol.1 was part of the Kickstarter rewards. It is a hand stamped numbered copy of the book. There were 300 copies of the first printing. 200 of those were hand-stamped from 01 to 200. They are numbered and signed copies for collectors who had pledged on Kickstarter. The first printing of Vol.1 is almost all sold out. There are barely 10 copies left, most of them numbered collector’s copies. Handstamped Collcetor's Edition ICECUBES vol. 1

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Members Only.

Hello ICECUBES fans and friends! Welcome to the new members only exclusive club! This new club is where for a incredibly small fee subscribers will get to read all the ICECUBES comic strips in the archives. Only the latest 10 comics appear in the live page. To read the archives you need to become a member. For only ร‚ยข25 a month, or $2.50 a year you will get privileged access to the members only area, first dibs on original art and email subscriptions to all the new comics. Plus if you become a member, you can get free shipping when you purchase the ICECUBES book ‘Noise Is News’. Become a member today!
[members] Members only content! icecubes-classic60[/members]

Original ICECUBES Art.

Check out new original ICECUBES art for sale! Real pen and brush art done on bristol archival Strathmore paper with India ink, pencil, white paint and watercolors. It’s your chance to own the originals. art Get this framed cover art for ICECUBES Vol. 2 on the Kindle. Signed with archival matte in aluminum and glass designer frame. 12.5″ high x 16″ wide x 1.5″ thick frame. Bid for it on Ebay.

Friday Fan Art.

Check out these cool Manga characters that Leo invented. Yes, Leo designed them all himself! See if you can spot the main character: Fire (boy with the fire arm!) or Snake Arm! Great job Leo! ๐Ÿ™‚
ยฉLeo Ildefonse
ร‚ยฉLeo Ildefonse

Friday Fan Art!

My great cartoonist friend Eric Cartier sent me this a while back. I originally published it on my other website AtomikComix. I think it belongs here though and it will be the premiere of a brand new feature on ICECUBES called Friday Fan Art! ร‚ยฉEric Cartier ร‚ยฉEric Cartier Eric Cartier is a fantastic cartoonist with marquee pedigree. He has penned the likes of Kaput & Zosky with Lewis Trondheim and his own cartoon character ‘Flip’ who travels around the world and gets into all kinds of adventures. Eric is a master cartoonist and the reason he is on the fan page is because I’m a fan of his! Salut Eric, I hope to get together again soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰