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ICECUBES the comic strip #313

Freeze has a VR addiction!
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3 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #313

  1. I wonder what game Freeze is playing?

    1. Maybe he is playing Super Smash Penguins or Super Mario Fish Carts. 😀

    2. So my son says he’s probably playing ‘Beat Sabers’. 😉

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menilfest2015 I want to say a big thank you to everyone who stopped by the ICECUBES table at MenilFest on Saturday. It was really great to meet you and to see some familiar faces too. Thank you for making my day! Leroy Brown

ICECUBES at the Menil Fest 2015!

Hi everyone, if you are in the area this Saturday, drop by the MenilFest! at the world famous Menil Collection in donwtown Houston. menilfest Now in its 7th year, MenilFest! is a unique merger of literature, visual arts, spoken word and musical performances throughout the day brought to you by some of Houston’s most respected organizations and talented individuals. And I’ll be there too! 😉 You can get your ICECUBES books signed and buy original art. I look forward to seeing you! Leroy Brown

Happy Easter!

Easter is my favorite season. The flowers are popping out, the trees are getting green again, all the little critters are about…
ICECUBES the comic strip Easter
Unfortunately, this year it also coincides with tax season, which is a major drag. 🙁 That’s why even though there is a new half-finished ICECUBES strip on my drawing table, begging to be inked, it’s just not going to happen right away. You see, I have only managed to make $103 from ICECUBES so far this year and while you may say that’s still something, it’s really only the result of 2 years of Google ads on the website. As you may have noticed, the ads are now gone and that’s a good thing, they were slowing down the site and often had nothing to do with comics. So, for me to continue to make ICECUBES in a timely manner and be able to pay my taxes as well, I need to find revenue.
One method is a by publishing new book and one is coming real soon, so stay on the lookout! Another method is Patreon. I discovered Patreon through many other artists that use it. It works like this: you decide an amount you are willing to pay as a monthly subscription to ICECUBES, in return you get special bonus rewards reserved for subscribers only. This way you are supporting the strip and becoming part of a special club of subscribers and supporters. You can subscribe for as little as $1 a month and cancel at any time. I hope this works out as a good way to support the strip. In the meantime I wish you a beautiful Easter!

Thank you so much for being an ICECUBES fan!
Leroy Brown


Hello fans, friends and family! As I write this it is very late at night (or early in the morning, however you want to look at it). I was of course busy drawing this weeks strip, but just ran out of time. This week I have had 100 different other things to do and the strip will have to wait. Among the other things I am doing however are some very exciting ICECUBES related news items! First, I am finally releasing the second ICECUBES book! You will be able to pre-order your copy on Kickstarter probably beginning next week, so watch out for that. Second, I have put together a way to make it easier for fans to show their support for ICECUBES. By just going to the new ICECUBES Patreon page, you can become a patron and actively support the strip and get some pretty cool rewards too! So, look out for the new ICECUBES book on Kickstarter coming really soon and go to Patreon to support ICECUBES!patreonlogo Thank you so much for reading ICECUBES! Leroy Brown