Freeze made his appearance in the very first ICECUBES comic strips way back when… All we know is that he came from Antarctica for dubious reasons as he told us in strip #002: 🙂
It’s an insider secret but it’s very possible that a 3rd ICECUBES book might be on the way… also it’s possible that Vol2 might get reprinted in limited quantities… but, shhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret 😉
Well, here we are again at the beginning of a brand new year!
2014 holds some great surprises for ICECUBES fans and we’ll continue building on what we did in 2013!
A quick look back on the past year will reveal some pretty neat ICECUBES facts:
* ICECUBES is regularly syndicated in print in the Kingwood Monthly newspaper. I also created and edit a full monthly comics page featuring other guest artists including Mark Stokes of Zombie Boy, David Wilborn of Urban Jungle, Michael Hawkins with Jim Corn, Lonnie Easterling with Spudcomics and Kim Belding with PicPak.
* ICECUBES was featured at the awesome Comiculture Symposium at the University of Houston in Clear Lake. I participated in a live panel with James Barr creator of The Crow and ICECUBES comic art was displayed in the University art gallery.
* ICECUBES the book is in 5 comic book stores all across the country!
* I started work on a book of my earlier more ‘underground’ strips called Atomik Comix.
A zine preview was created for Houston Zine Fest and is still available for $1 + shipping.
* ICECUBES was submitted to some of the larger newspaper syndicates.
Limited Numbered Artist Edition. Here are the numbers that I still have: 54/ 55/ 57/ 58/ 59/ 170/ 173/ 176/ 177/ 178/ 181/ 183/ 184/ 186/ 192/ 195/ 196/ 197/ 198/
Very few left, hand numbered, bagged & boarded, individually personalized. No shipping until January 1st.
Bo Lumpkin was probably ICECUBES’ biggest fan. For a couple of years now he faithfully read ICECUBES and always commented on the strips. Often his comment would be the only one the strip would get. Even during lean times when it seemed all the other readers had disappeared, I could always count on Bo. I loved Bo’s comments. They were always funny, clever and most of all supportive.
I remember one time when I felt the strip was being completely ignored and the web stats were down in the low single digits, there it was: a comment from Bo! I replied to his comment:
“Hey Bo, knew I could count on you! 🙂 I’m hearing crickets otherwise… I think the internet generation is miffed ;)”
and Bo replied this:
“Crickets might be a good idea. No one seems to be bittin’ the other bait I keep throwin’ out.”
Classic Bo!
At times I can honestly say that his comments were the only thing that kept me motivated.
So for that, I can only say: “Thanks Bo! :)” Leroy Brownps: as proof of how good a friend Bo was to us webcomic artists, here’s a short list of other tributes:Life On 66Bug PuddingBearman CartoonsMy Life In The TrenchesThe Joy Of Stephen
Ok dear friends, as promised here is the on ICECUBES the Book! From now until January 1st 2014 *free shipping* on all book purchases (USA & Canada only and just $10 overseas for up to 2 books)!!
That’s right, every book comes with free shipping so you only pay $15 for a regular copy or $20 for the numbered artist edition! I only have 19 numbered edition books left! (I’ll be glad to email you the numbers, just shoot me an email at icecubescomic(at)yahoo(dot)com.) I will sign and personalize every book, no exceptions! 🙂
Artist Numbered Edition! (they come bagged & boarded)
Additionally, with every purchase of a numbered edition I’ll include a super special limited edition copy of AtomikComix! This little zine was made for Houston Zine Fest and is the prelude for a book of my early underground comics. These were $5 each at Zine Fest and you can get one for free with your purchase of a numbered edition ICECUBES book!
Hurry and get your books, the first printing of ICECUBES the Book is just about all gone!
I just want to take this opportunity to say a big *thank you* to everyone who continues to support ICECUBES and helps to keep this strip alive! You make it all happen!
More great things to come in 2014!
Merry Christmas everyone and have a wonderful New Year 2014! 🙂
Leroy Brown
Recently I did a strip that required a lot of talking balloons in one single panel. I had to plan it out so that it could be read and understood properly and that there would be room for the characters as well. It took some fussing around and I ended up scoring the entire height of the panel with blue lines!Since I don’t use a computer for lettering, once I place something I have to commit to it. In the past cartoonists would often blue line their whole strip and I’ve seen Lil Abner strips that were scored from top to bottom regardless of how much text there was! This was often done by an assistant. In my case I was surprised to get to that point where I actually had to do it for practical purposes. Pretty neat! You can see the inked panel here.I was pretty happy with the end result, especially in the last panel where I had to use some white paint for the snow effects!
You can own this strip if you’d like!
I am making it available with *free shipping* to anywhere in the US and Canada, and only $10 shipping overseas.
I will gladly sign it and personalize it for you as well!
Read the final published strip*here*.Thanks for visiting! 🙂
4 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #312”
Luc Delahoussaye
Hello I have been wondering what is Freeze’s dubious past?
Leroy Brown
Freeze made his appearance in the very first ICECUBES comic strips way back when… All we know is that he came from Antarctica for dubious reasons as he told us in strip #002:
Luc Delahoussaye
Also when are you going to restock Icecubes Vol.2
Leroy Brown
It’s an insider secret but it’s very possible that a 3rd ICECUBES book might be on the way… also it’s possible that Vol2 might get reprinted in limited quantities… but, shhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret 😉
Year In Review!
Thanks for reading ICECUBES! 🙂 Leroy Brown
Drawing Strips.
Artist Edition.
Bo Lumpkin Our Friend.
Holiday Special!
Talking Balloons and Blue Lines!
Latest ICECUBES Comics!
20 13441 Feb 12, 2025
ICECUBES the comic strip #361
12 7243 Dec 10, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #360
74 48288 Oct 18, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #359
90 81062 Jul 05, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #358
15 13884 Jun 25, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #357
26 16640 Jun 05, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #356
43 15432 May 23, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #355
45 5002 May 17, 2024
Freeze’s Movie Credits
65 7597 May 03, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #354
49 6459 Apr 26, 2024
Now available as a digital download for only $1.99! Click on the picture!
Click here to get all the great classic ICECUBES comic strips and exclusive behind the scenes blog posts!
Top Ten ICECUBES comics!
ICECUBES the comic strip #359
90 81062 Jul 05, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #360
74 48288 Oct 18, 2024
Read this new post ! ~ (subscribers)
150 22986 Jun 30, 2022
ICECUBES the comic strip #353
59 16930 Mar 29, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #357
26 16640 Jun 05, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #356
43 15432 May 23, 2024
Read this new post ! ~ (subscribers)
78 14886 Apr 18, 2022
Read this new post ! ~ (subscribers)
129 14131 Mar 21, 2022
ICECUBES the comic strip #358
15 13884 Jun 25, 2024
ICECUBES the comic strip #343
44 13726 Dec 15, 2023
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