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ICECUBES the comic strip #312

4 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #312

  1. Hello I have been wondering what is Freeze’s dubious past?

    1. Freeze made his appearance in the very first ICECUBES comic strips way back when… All we know is that he came from Antarctica for dubious reasons as he told us in strip #002: ICECUBES the comic strip #002 🙂

  2. Also when are you going to restock Icecubes Vol.2

    1. It’s an insider secret but it’s very possible that a 3rd ICECUBES book might be on the way… also it’s possible that Vol2 might get reprinted in limited quantities… but, shhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret 😉

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Super Comics Contest Give-Away!

Congratulations to the winners!
  • 1st Prize: Eddy Obomsawin
  • 2nd Prize: Michael Pohrer
  • 3rd Prize Louis J Gore
  • Great job! Check tomorrow’s update for a chance to win the special prize! Bonjour comic fans! Last week a cool thing happened at ICECUBES. The website got a bunch of visitors from Belgium! Belgium came in third place for most visits by country. That title is usually reserved for the UK or Australia, as ICECUBES is an English speaking comic. Belgium beat them this week! You may know that Belgium is the birthplace of the European School of Comics. Started just before WWII, the school flourished in the post-war period with many international comic stars. ICECUBES the comic strip To celebrate this, I’ve decided to start a week-long contest to see who knows their Belgian comics! So here goes: be the first person to answer the challenge (one prize per person please!)
    • Third Prize:
    Won by Louis J.! A cool ICECUBES sticker! Question: Name all the comics shown in this picture.
    • Second Prize:
    Won by Michael Pohrer!An original signed ICECUBES drawing by Leroy Brown! Question: Name the original authors of every comic.
    • First Prize:
    Won by Eddy Obomsawin! A signed copy of ICECUBES the book! Question: Name all the characters (including animals) in French. (For the little blue guys, the group name is fine) I will give out a bonus prize of an ICECUBES sticker to anyone who logs in from Belgium and names the characters in Flemish! Put your answers in the comments sections below. May the games begin! 🙂

    Striking A Pose!

    Ice cubes comic strip drawings I always sketch out difficult poses before committing them to paper. The thing you’re looking for is how to inject energy into the drawing. So imagine the characters are alive and moving around on the page. Sometimes it helps to close your eyes and picture it. Having said that, you can see that I erased plenty of times before getting it right. Don’t be afraid of using the eraser! Nobody is watching and sometimes it takes a lot of bad drawings to get a good one! 🙂 Ice cubes comic strip 224 Here’s the published comic. Note how the camera angle chopped off the legs, even though I drew them originally!


    testscreen-buttons Take a look at what the ICECUBES website used to look like! This snapshot was taken years ago and shows just how far we’ve come. This year we are going to make even more changes so hang in there while we do some renovating! 🙂

    Out With The Old…

    ICECUBES the comic strip - Peckinpaw the polar bear. I thought you might enjoy a very early sketch of Peckinpaw done several years ago when I was just coming up with the look for the denizens of ICECUBES. He sure looks different nowadays! That’s the theme this year: a new look and plenty of new things to look at! There is a lot more coming up in the next few weeks so keep on checking out your favorite cool comic! 😉 Leroy Brown