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ICECUBES the comic strip #312

4 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #312

  1. Hello I have been wondering what is Freeze’s dubious past?

    1. Freeze made his appearance in the very first ICECUBES comic strips way back when… All we know is that he came from Antarctica for dubious reasons as he told us in strip #002: ICECUBES the comic strip #002 🙂

  2. Also when are you going to restock Icecubes Vol.2

    1. It’s an insider secret but it’s very possible that a 3rd ICECUBES book might be on the way… also it’s possible that Vol2 might get reprinted in limited quantities… but, shhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret 😉

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Holiday Cheer!

Dear ICECUBES Friends and Fans, it is the beginning of the holiday season and to celebrate all the wonderful support you have shown for ICECUBES, I have decided to give something back. I will auction off a very special numbered artist edition of “Noise Is News” for charity,
    Number 199
Of course I will autograph it and personalize it just for you. All the proceeds from the sale of this issue will go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In addition, I will also donate 10 regular copies of the book to St. Jude’s. stjude_logo I hope you will bid for the book and help us celebrate the season with cheer! Thank you so much for being part of the ICECUBES family!
–>Bid on Ebay here <--