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ICECUBES the comic strip #312

4 thoughts on “ICECUBES the comic strip #312

  1. Hello I have been wondering what is Freeze’s dubious past?

    1. Freeze made his appearance in the very first ICECUBES comic strips way back when… All we know is that he came from Antarctica for dubious reasons as he told us in strip #002: ICECUBES the comic strip #002 🙂

  2. Also when are you going to restock Icecubes Vol.2

    1. It’s an insider secret but it’s very possible that a 3rd ICECUBES book might be on the way… also it’s possible that Vol2 might get reprinted in limited quantities… but, shhhh, it’s supposed to be a secret 😉

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Comicpalooza 2016!

Comicpalooza-2015-logo Hey friends! This weekend ICECUBES will be at Comicpalooza 2016 in Houston, TX! We will be sharing a table with Mental Diversions and will have great books, posters and original drawings for sale. Meet Leroy Brown, get your books signed and buy original ICECUBES comic strip art! We will be at table #2635 in artists alley Friday June 17 to Sunday June 19. See you there! 🙂 17501222093_e6e83fe902_b1


bullwinkle-sm Here’s something kinda ‘cool’. I came upon a Rocky and Bullwinkle storyboard online at Heritage Auctions. It’s really neat to see how they put ideas together for that great cartoon. It’s episode #67 called “The Overland Express” from 1962.


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