Sad Peckinpaw
Sad Peckinpaw

Sad Peckinpaw
Sad Peckinpaw

2 17490


Dear ICECUBES friends, it is with a very sad heart that I share with you that my dearly beloved wife passed away during the Christmas holidays. This has been very difficult for me and it is hard to even gather the courage to draw. I will try my best in the coming weeks to do more ICECUBES strips, but for now I just want to say thank you for being fans and God bless.

2 thoughts on “Sad…

  1. I’m so sorry, Leroy. I can’t imagine what you must be going through emotionally, etc. All my best to you, and I hope and pray you’ll be ok. I just came across your channel today. I watched one of the traditional inking segments, and really got a lot out of it; really enjoyed it. Many, many thanks.

    1. Dear Tim, thank you very much for your message. I am so glad you enjoyed watching the video. I will try and do more on the traditional pen & ink style that I use. All the best!

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This Week’s Rejected Strip.

ICECUBES - reject
ICECUBES – reject
Dear friends, This almost never happens! I completed a new ICECUBES strip that I was going to publish this week but after taking a good look at it, I decided it wasn’t good enough for print… I just felt it was lackluster and it would be better to wait until next week for a better strip. So this week’s strip ended up in the dust bin. You can see, I actually tore it up. I know I can do better and you definitely deserve the best. So, please be patient and let’s look forward to a great new ICECUBES strip next week! Thanks for being such ‘cool’ ICECUBES fans!

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