I recently went to a really neat exhibit of Inuit artifacts from 100 years ago. I made some sketches of the masks. Here’s one. Hopefully I can use it in the comic strip. 🙂
Month: August 2011
Jack & Jill.
Working on the Book!
So after dreaming for years about making a real ink and paper book of ICECUBES the comic strip and finally being just about ready to pull the trigger, guess what happens? Border’s goes bust and closes all its stores, the book business crashes, printers stop printing books, paper mills close and stop making paper and generally speaking people stop reading books! What a time to put out a book. 🙁
But I remain optimistic that there is an audience out there that would like to hold the real thing in their hands, share it with their friends and enjoy having it on their bookshelves as a nice well crafted collectors item.
That’s why even though printing a book has become ever harder and expensive, in complete contradiction to the laws of supply and demand by the way, I’m still hard at work on the first ICECUBES book. Of course those of you who follow ICECUBES know that Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 are available exclusively on the Kindle.
So stay tuned and get ready to pre-order your limited edition, real ink and paper, signed and numbered collector’s edition of ICECUBES the Book!
Leroy Brown
I Eats Me Spinach!
I ate a can of this last night and I needed it too! What with managing my databases spread over 4 computers and 10 hard drives, troubleshooting extension conflicts on my Macs, trying to revive a dead laptop and cleaning the gears of my printer, I’m totally immersed in geek hell. If only I also knew php… but I digress. As you can see, I am hard at work, fighting to bring you the best comic strip experience ever! Oh yeah and I gotta draw sometimes too…!
Dallas Webcomic Expo
ICECUBES had a table at Strip-The Dallas Webcomic Expo on Saturday, Aug. 6. We had a real good time and got to meet some great folks.
I drew some commissions and got to meet great ICECUBES fans. It’s really a lot of fun to meet people who read and enjoy ICECUBES the comic strip.
I met fellow cartoonists Mark Stokes who draws Zombie Boy Comics (http://www.zombieboycomics.com/) and Brian Powers who draws Liltoon (http://liltoon.com/tv/) Brad Diller who draws Funday Morning Cartoons (http://cartoons.fundaymorning.com/) and Kit Lively (http://www.kitlively.com). You should definitely check out their comics.

I need to mention that I also met Hector Cantu who writes the syndicated strip Baldo, Chris Jeffery from Cartridge Comics as well as David Wilborn from Urban Jungle who very graciously introduced himself. I also want to thank everyone who stopped by the table and chatted- it was great to meet you all!
Leroy Brown
How To Draw Comics. Part 4: Pencils.
Howdy! Here is the first in a series of podcasts on ‘How To Draw Comics’. I recently taped the making of an entire ICECUBES strip. The parts are divided into 1.Writing 2.Sketching 3.Bluelines 4.Pencils and 5.Inks. Here is part 4, Pencils.
4.Pencils from Leroy Brown on Vimeo.
Watch Leroy Brown as he draws ICECUBES the comic strip featuring Freeze with his head in an icecube! In this podcast: pencils.
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